1. vacuuming:
We vacuum our carpets and other floors and we should also vacuum our upholstered furniture. Like our carpets, upholstery acts like a filter for the air in our homes, trapping dirt and other allergens. In order to keep your furniture looking bright and for better air quality in your home should vacuum upholstery regularly.
2. Avoid direct/ harsh sunlight:
Leaving your upholstered furniture in direct and harsh sunlight can quickly fade the fabrics. We recommend covers or using drapes or curtains to block out sun when it’s at its strongest during the day. This will keep your fabric looking more vibrant!
3. Spot Clean &Regular Professional Cleaning:
We know that not every meal is eaten at a table, and then there are snacks and drinks during a movie or show. You never know when an accident will happen and if it will stain. To keep your upholstery spot free, treat stains as soon as possible. For tough stains like wine, nail polish, ink and more, you may want to have them professionally treated and removed, to prevent setting the stain or bleaching your upholstery. Regular professional cleanings can help prevent discoloration and it removes all of the dust, dirt and other allergens that get trapped.
4. Turn cushions and wash covers:
Over time with frequent use your furniture might begin to look worn down, drab and maybe even misshapen. Always check first to see if your cushion covers are washable and how to properly wash them if applicable. Turn your cushions as well to keep them from being worn in on one side.
It's just as important to clean your upholstery as it is your carpets. They trap and collect dirt, bacteria, dust mites and other allergens and with frequent use you are exposing yourself and your family to these could be airborne particles. With our Upholstery Cleaning Services you can spend your time worry about what show to watch next and not about what you're sitting on.